Ron Helwig

Taking control of my digital life

Broke some stuff

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On Monday I was ending work when I tripped over a pallet in the warehouse. That was quite a shock and there was a good amount of blood. My knees took a hit, with my left knee getting a silver dollar sized bloody scrape. I got this nice gash in my left eyebrow, which was where all the blood was coming from. And my arms got pretty messed up. I didn't think it was too bad though, so I just went straight home. But after a hard night's sleep I knew I needed to go to the hospital. They took X-Rays and found my left arm has a hairline fracture in the wrist and elbow. Both arms were hurting pretty bad, but the left was worse. They did a cat scan of my head but that didn't show anything bad. I was amazingly able to get an appointment with an Orthopedic doctor this morning. He checked me out and it just looks like I'll need to wear a splint for a couple weeks minimum, and maybe take some Ibuprofin. Not too bad, except for the pain.

Now I just have to get all these stupid domain SSL certificates updated. It's crazy that people actually want you to pay for something that should be part of the basic minimum web that is also totally automated (or should be), simple, and quick.