Ron Helwig

Taking control of my digital life

My Debts


A while back I borrowed $5,000 from Peter on Aug 30th 2022. I've been steadily paying it back on a $150/month schedule. I update the balance when each payment clears. $2,000 currently owed to Peter. [Last settled payment was Jul 15th for $150. The May 15th payment has not been cashed yet as far as I know.]

Jack Shimek

Jack still owes me $265 for back rent when he lived at my place in Deerfield. He hasn't made a payment of any kind since 2016, and before that he only paid small amounts when prodded.

Ryan Marvin

Ryan still owes me $2,000 for back rent, but I don't expect I'll see a penny of that. Last I heard he had been convicted of producing gay child porn and was going to prison.

Anthony "Chopsy" Bonk

Chopsy still owes me $3,000 for back rent, but he moved back home and I havn't heard anything from him in years.


I still owe C. L. about $180 for underdelivery of a Shire Silver co-branded order.